WC Class of 2028 Roommate Finder

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WC Roommate FAQs

What personality traits should I look for in a potential roommate at Washington College? While personal preferences may differ, it's important to look for a roommate who is respectful, responsible, and communicative. You want someone who will respect your privacy and space, contribute equally to household responsibilities, and communicate effectively when issues arise. And of course, it's always helpful if you share similar interests or hobbies!. How important is it to consider academic compatibility when choosing a roommate at Washington College? Academic compatibility can be a major factor in a successful roommate pairing at Washington College. It's a good idea to look for someone whose study habits and schedule align with your own, so you can both focus on school while avoiding conflicts. Additionally, sharing academic interests or majors can create a supportive and collaborative living environment. What resources are available at Washington College to help me find a compatible roommate? The Office of Residence Life at Washington College offers a roommate matching service, which is a great way to find a compatible roommate. You can also use social media groups and the online Washington College roommate finder to connect with potential roommates. Don't be afraid to reach out to current students or on-campus organizations for advice and tips as well!.