DeVry Class of 2023 Roommate Finder

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DeVry Roommate FAQs

What are some qualities to look for in a DeVry Columbus roommate? When looking for a roommate at DeVry Columbus, it is important to find someone who is responsible, respectful, and good at communicating. You'll also want to make sure that they are committed to their studies and won't be a distraction. How can I assess a potential roommate's compatibility with me as a DeVry Columbus student? When searching for a roommate as a student at DeVry Columbus, it can be helpful to ask about their class schedule and study habits to see if they align with yours. You may also want to discuss your expectations for cleanliness, noise level, and other factors that could impact your living situation. What are some red flags to watch out for when choosing a roommate at DeVry Columbus? It's important to be wary of potential roommates who have a history of being unreliable, disrespectful, or dishonest. You may also want to avoid roommates who have habits or lifestyle choices that don't align with your own, such as excessive drinking or drug use.