Ivy Tech Community College-Southeast Roommate Finder

Search for Roommates at Ivy Tech Community College-Southeast

Displaying results 1 - 2 of 2 users

Male ยท 2028
Living Off-campus
Prefers to live at Anderson
Majoring in Pre-Med
Living Off-campus
Prefers to live at Anderson
Majoring in Pre-Med
Female ยท 2021
Living Off-campus
Majoring in Health Professions
Living Off-campus
Majoring in Health Professions

Ivy Tech Community College-Southeast Roommate FAQs

What qualities should I look for in a roommate when living in Ivy Tech Community College-Southeast's student housing? Look for someone who shares similar living habits and expectations, such as cleanliness, study habits, and noise preferences. It's also important to consider their personality and communication style to ensure a comfortable living arrangement. How can I find a roommate at Ivy Tech Community College-Southeast who is responsible and reliable? Consider asking potential roommates about their work and school schedule, as well as any prior living experiences. You can also request references or reach out to mutual acquaintances to gauge their level of responsibility. What are some red flags to look out for when searching for a roommate at Ivy Tech Community College-Southeast? Be cautious of anyone who seems overly rigid, aggressive, or unwilling to compromise. Other red flags may include a history of substance abuse, lack of concern for personal hygiene, or difficulty managing finances. Trust your instincts and do not hesitate to seek out a different roommate if something feels off.