Union Class of 2023 Roommate Finder

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Union Roommate FAQs

What qualities should I look for when searching for a potential roommate at Union College? Look for someone with similar living habits and schedules, and who communicates and resolves conflicts in a respectful and proactive manner. Union College also offers resources for finding compatible roommates through their online room selection survey and Roomsync platform. How can I ensure a smooth living experience with my roommate at Union College? It's important to establish clear and open communication from the beginning, and to respect each other's personal space and belongings. Creating a roommate agreement or establishing basic rules can also help maintain a positive living environment. Union College offers mediation services through their Residential Life office, which can be a helpful resource for resolving conflicts. Are there any resources at Union College for students who have difficulty adjusting to living with a roommate? Yes, Union College offers a variety of resources to help students acclimate to campus life, including roommate mediation, residence hall programming, and counseling services. Students can also reach out to their Resident Advisor (RA) or Residence Director (RD) for support and guidance.