Calvin Class of 2015 Roommate Finder

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Calvin Roommate FAQs

What personal characteristics should I look for in a Calvin College roommate? When looking for a roommate at Calvin College, you'll want to look for someone who shares your values and interests. Consider things like study habits, cleanliness, and lifestyle preferences. Additionally, you may want to consider finding a roommate who is involved in similar extracurricular activities or who is pursuing a similar major as you. How can I ensure that I have a positive living environment with my Calvin College roommate? Communication is key when it comes to living with a roommate at Calvin College. Take the time to discuss expectations and boundaries early on in your living arrangement. Be respectful of your roommate's space and belongings, and encourage open dialogue as issues arise. Additionally, try to be flexible and willing to compromise in order to maintain a harmonious living environment. Should I room with a friend or a stranger at Calvin College? The decision to room with a friend or a stranger at Calvin College ultimately depends on your individual circumstances and preferences. While living with a friend may seem like an appealing option, it's important to remember that living with someone can put a strain on even the strongest friendships. On the other hand, rooming with a stranger can be a great opportunity to broaden your social circle and make new connections on campus. Consider your own personality and living habits, as well as the potential challenges and benefits of each option, before making your decision.