Cornerstone Class of 2019 Roommate Finder

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Cornerstone Roommate FAQs

What are some qualities to look for in a potential roommate at Cornerstone University? It's important to find someone who shares similar habits and values as you do. You might want to look for a roommate who values cleanliness and organization, or someone who is respectful of shared spaces and noise levels. Additionally, finding someone who has similar academic or social interests as you can make for a better living experience. How can I ensure that I'm compatible with my roommate at Cornerstone University? Consider starting with a conversation before deciding to become roommates. You can learn a lot about someone’s habits and lifestyle by simply asking them questions. Additionally, Cornerstone University offers events and activities where you can meet other students and potentially find a compatible roommate. What should I do if I'm not getting along with my roommate at Cornerstone University? It's important to address any issues or conflicts with your roommate in a respectful and constructive way. Cornerstone University offers resources like the Office of Student Life and Residence Life staff to help mediate any situations. Additionally, finding ways to compromise and set boundaries can help improve the living situation.