SUNY Downstate Class of 2015 Roommate Finder

Search for Roommates at CUNY Brooklyn

Displaying results 1 - 3 of 3 users

Male ยท 2015
Living Off-campus
Majoring in Engineering
Living Off-campus
Majoring in Engineering
Female ยท 2015
Living Off-campus
Majoring in Education
Living Off-campus
Majoring in Education
Female ยท 2015
Living Off-campus
Majoring in Health Professions
Living Off-campus
Majoring in Health Professions

SUNY Downstate Roommate FAQs

Question: What qualities should I look for in a potential roommate at CUNY Brooklyn? Some qualities to look for in a roommate at CUNY Brooklyn include good communication skills, cleanliness, respectfulness, and compatibility in terms of lifestyle and schedules. These qualities can help promote a positive and productive living environment for both roommates. Question: How can I ensure that my potential roommate at CUNY Brooklyn is trustworthy? To ensure that your potential roommate at CUNY Brooklyn is trustworthy, consider conducting a background check or asking for references from previous roommates or landlords. Additionally, having a frank and open conversation about each other's expectations and boundaries can help establish trust and promote a positive roommate relationship. Question: What are some red flags to watch out for when searching for a roommate at CUNY Brooklyn? Some red flags to watch out for when searching for a roommate at CUNY Brooklyn include a history of disrespectful behavior, chronic tardiness or unresponsiveness, and a lack of willingness to compromise or communicate effectively. Additionally, be cautious of potential roommates who are evasive about their past living situations or have a history of financial instability.