Lackawanna College Class of 2026 Roommate Finder

Search for Roommates at Lackawanna College

Displaying results 1 - 1 of 1 users


Female Β· 2026
Living Off-campus
Prefers to live at Downtown
Majoring in Nursing
Living Off-campus
Prefers to live at Downtown
Majoring in Nursing

Lackawanna College Roommate FAQs

What are some personality traits to look for in a Lackawanna College roommate? It’s important to find someone with a similar lifestyle and values. Look for a roommate that is respectful and tidy, and shares in your Study habits. Having someone with similar interests can also make for a more enjoyable living situation. How can I determine if a potential Lackawanna College roommate is reliable? Communication is key! Before making a decision to room with someone, have a conversation about potential issues that may come up and how you both would handle them. You can also ask for references from their previous roommates or landlords to get an idea of their behavior. It may also be helpful to discuss each other's schedules and habits to make sure they align with yours. What are some red flags to look out for when searching for a Lackawanna College roommate? Unreliability, dishonesty, and inconsiderate behavior are all red flags to watch out for. It’s important to choose someone you can trust and feel comfortable living with. Additionally, if someone seems overly pushy or aggressive in trying to become your roommate, that could be a sign they may not be the best fit for you.