Trinity Residence Hall Dorm Reviews at Lynn

⏰  05/04/21


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The R.A’s cover for students who are not doing what they are supposed to as stated by the guidelines and when the R.A is the person who is in charge and is the person who you’re supposed to make a complain to, but is doing the wrong thing as well then you’re complain is not valid. Dorm ID card to open doors is invalid since people open doors for others than don’t even reside in the same dorm, this makes the safety of the dorm as stated by the guidelines invalid. The first weeks of school everything was being followed but around the third week the rules were just in paper and not followed. The staff is very kind and try to maintain at least the bathrooms clean but once a day cleaning did not seem to do the job as student in the community bathrooms were very disgusting. The shower heads are not good majority of them are bad and the water has an odor within the first two minutes or so when opened. The hallways with carpets are rarely vacuumed and stick in rainy days because athletes wet shoes are all over the hallway. The stairs are cleaned midway to the second floor and after that they are rarely touched making the stair hallways develop an unpleasant smell. The fact that trinity is close to the cafeteria is the only pro I can give to my survey review.

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πŸ‘‹   STAFF

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πŸ“£   NOISE


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